Lesson-2 Too many books.
(Note down in your English copy)
1. What did Mrs Johnson not like about her husband ? Why did she not like this habit of her husband ?
ans. Mrs Johnson did not like her husband buying old books.
She did not like this habit of her husband because the bookshelves on the walls of all the rooms in their little house were full. There were books on the floor and on the tables and on the chairs. And she was tired of dusting them.
2·(a) Why did Mr Johnson not buy any books for three or four days ?
ans. Mr Johnson did not buy any books for three or four days because Mrs Johnson told her husband,if he bring another book, she will go away and leave him.
(b) Why did Mr Johnson walk into the best bookshop in town ?
ans. Mr Johnson walked into the best bookshop in town because it started to rain and he hadn’t an umbrella.
(c) What was the name of the book he bought ? Describe the book.
ans. The name of the book he bought was ,’The River Amazon’.
The book was small and with brown leather with gold letters on the cover.
3. ‘Look , I ‘ve mended your book’. Who said this ? How did it get torn ?
ans. Mrs Johnson said this words.
It get torn because she took the leather book from Mr Johnson hand and threw it out of the window and the book was lying on the wet grass.
4. Where and when was the letter written ? What was Mr Johnson very keen on finding ? Where did he find it ?
ans. The letter was written from British Guiana, in the year 1864.
Mr Johnson was very keen on finding an old yellow envelope stamp.
He found it from the garden dustbin.
5. How much did Mr Johnson sell the stamp for ? How did the couple use the money ?
ans. Mr Johnson sold the stamp for ten thousand pounds.
With the money the couple bought a much bigger house in the country.