Unit – 3. Lesson – 3. Social Evils.
2. Match the following :
a. Deuki pratha – offering daughter in temple.
b. Untouchability – discriminating people on the basis of caste.
c. Child marriage – marriage in an early age.
d. Jhuma pratha – offering daughter to the monastery.
3a. What is meant by child marriage ?
ans. Child marriage meant when the children are married when they are merely five year old or above.
b. Do you think it is good to demand dowry ? Why ?
ans. No,it is not good to demand dowry.
Because it is a shameful act for promoting such an evil practice.
c. What is Deuki Pratha ?
ans. Deuki Pratha is a custom of sending a girl child to the temple in Sudurpashim Province of Nepal.
d. What is untouchability ? Why is it not good for the society ?
ans. Untouchability means where the high class people prohibit the low class people from entering their houses,using public properties like temple , wells , public water tap , etc.
It is not good for the society because it promote the feeling of shame and unequality among group of people.
e. What is the difference between Deuki Pratha and Jhuma Pratha ?
ans. In Deuki Patha the parents offer their daughter to the temple in Sudurpashim Province of Nepal. Sometimes the rich people buy the girl child from the poor families and offer her to the temple. Such girl cannot exercise any of her rights.
Jhuma Pratha is a custom of offering second ( mahili chhori ) to the monastery ( gumba ) in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Like Deuki Pratha, such girl also cannot get married in her whole life. She has to spend all her life taking care of the monastery.
f. Why is it necessary to bring an end to such bad social customs prevailing in our society ?
ans. It is necessary to bring an end to such bad social customs prevailing in our society because they hamper in the development of our society. Such practices also destroy the unity of the people.
g. What should be done to abolish the bad social custom of our country ?
ans. To abolished the bad social custom of our country , mass awareness should be created. Education should be provided in rural areas. Proper laws should be made to control such practices.
Q. What are the bad customs practiced in your community ?