Grammar.Unit – 5 Adjectives.

An adjective is a describing word. It tells us more about a noun. It is used to add to the meaning of a noun.

Q. Rewrite the sentences choosing suitable forms of adjectives from the brackets.

a. The mainframe computer is………………..than microcomputer.( big, bigger, biggest )

b. The room was……………and square.( large, larger, largest )

c. The room was 51 metres………………( wide, wider, widest )

d. Concord plane is the………………..plane. It travels at the speed of                611.11 m/sec. ( fast, faster, fastest )

e. The thread spun by a spider is…………….than the steel of same diameter. ( strong, stronger, strongest )

f. Akasi Kaiekyo is the………………bridge in the world. ( long, longer, longest )

g. Cell is the……………..unit of life. ( small, smaller, smallest )

h. An atom is…………….than a molecule. ( more active, active,most active )

Q. Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives.
E.g Positive              Comparative                     Superlative
1. Cold                     colder                                coldest
2. Happy
3. Rich
4. Big
5. Fat
6. Wide