Subject: Social Studies
Lesson: 2ย ย Origin and Formation of Society
Answer the following question
- a) What differences do you find between hunting age and animal rearing age?
Ans : Hunting Age
- Human beings used to live in a forest like wild animals
- They wandered far and wide for their food .
- It was not easy to get food.
: Animal Rearing
- Human beings used to live in a group and a particular place.
- The idea of rearing animals developed.
- They had less trouble in getting food.
- b) Why is the modern age called the age of science and technology?
Ans : Now we are in the modern age. It is the age of science and technology. Many scientific discoveries and
inventions such as radio, televison, computer,areoplane,Internet e.t.c have been made which has made our life easier.
The development of transportation and communication has brought the people of the world closer. We can reach any part of the
world sitting in our room. Life has become easier now than it was in the past. Due to the advancement of computer , development of information and communication
The modern age is called the “The age of Science and technology”.
- c) How did people spend life in the hunting age?
Ans : In the primitive society , human being used to live in a forest like wild animals.
They had no idea of living in a house so that they used to live in caves and hunt animals for food.
They wandered far and wide for their prey.It was not easy to hunt animals they developed some stone tools to hunt animals,
in this way people used to spend life in the hunting age.
- d) What are the bases of formation of society?
Ans : The bases of formation of society are as folows:
1.Living in group/band
2.Help and cooperation
3.Culture and cultural values
5.Fulfilment of needs
7.Social thinking/sentiment
9.United work