Recommendation to Parents
- Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline. They should see to it that their children prepare their lessons and take an take active interest in the activities of the school
- Parents are required to sign Progress Reports, or furnish any other Information when so required. Failure to do so will cause great mutual inconvenience.
- Parents must look into the student’s diary everyday and see that the lessons are revised daily and assigned homework completed regularly. Test copies / papers are to be cheked duly and signed.
- We earnestly ask parents to avoid any kind of criticism or negative remarks about the student’s progress and lose he respect for the teacher. If you have any complaint please meet the Principal.
- Private tuitions are not encouraged. Parents / guardians may not make private arrangement for tuition with the members of the staff, without consulting the Principal. All private tuitions, if found extremely necessary, will be arranged for by the Principal herself. Teachers are not permitted to give private tuition to their own students.
- Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address and phone numbers.
- When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letters Name, Roll No. and Class of their child.
- Parents / Guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the students or teachers during class time. They should be met during their free periods with prior appointment.
- Parents are requested not to send of their children during class hours except in cases of unforeseen circumstances and in such cases a written application must be submitted.
- Long leave will not be granted to children to attend social functions as it undermines the importance of learning, hard work and regularity.
- Blazers, cardigans, tiffin boxes and bags must bear the Name and Roll No. of the owner.
- Parents are requested to foster in their children habits of neatness, punctuality, hard work and regularity.
- No parents, friends or servants are allowed to walk about the school premises or visit classrooms during class hours.
- Written tests will not be repeated if students are absent on the day the test is held.